Research reports

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February 24, 2022

Evaluation of tubing color effects on maple sap harvesting

The purpose of this project was to compare the performance of a gray tubing to that of a blue tubing for maple sap harvesting. The results obtained showed a slight but all the same significant increase in the average maximum temperature of the surfaces for the gray tubing compared to the blue during the harvest season. The mean maximum temperature measurements for the sap, on the other hand, were comparable for the 2 types of tubing. Regarding the total volumes of sap collected, the 2 types of tubing gave similarly comparable results on average. On the microbiology side, the gray tubing showed mostly slightly higher ATP bioluminescence results compared to the blue tubing without however any significant differences being detected. The quality of the sap evaluated by the sugar concentration profile was also found to be comparable or the 2 types of tubing with glucose and fructose concentrations of the sap not detected in the 2 cases for the vast majority of the samples. The results therefore show that under the experimental conditions studied, the performances of the gray and blue tubing are comparable. (4080260-FIN-0621)

February 23, 2018

Development of a microbial inoculation technique of the of the sugar bush sap collection system aimed at stabilizing the quality and properties of maple syrup

The goal of this project was to study the inoculation treatments of the sap collection system with the help of isolated bacteria from this ecosystem. The results demonstrate that certain bacterial strains implanted themselves following their inoculation and that the sap’s main physical, chemical and sensory characteristics were not only preserved, but enhanced. This is particularly the case for the B1 strain (Pseudomonas sp. 201-1B), which seems to have integrated itself in a privileged way in the sap collection tubing following its inoculation. Following its implantation, this strain did not contribute to the degradation of physical, chemical, and sensory parameters of the sap and syrup. Thus, the B1 strain had, in most cases, no adverse effects on these product’s properties (pH, inverted sugars, color) and had no detrimental effects on the total volume of sap collected. The taste of the syrups obtained following the inoculation of this strain was sometimes judged to be superior to the taste of syrup under other treatments and controls. The B2 strain (Janthinobacterium lividum 100-P12-9) also demonstrated an interesting potential, but in a lesser measure than the B1 strain. These results will serve as a basis for optimization and validation work on a broader scale and within different collection conditions before this treatment is proposed as a means of quality control associated to the variability of the maple sap’s microbiota.


December 13, 2017

Foaming control optimization in evaporator pans in maple sugar production

This project, conducted on behalf of the MAPAQ maple sugar sectoral table, helped evaluate and compare de efficiency of different anti-foaming agents and of alternative methods that may potentially be used in organic and conventional maple sugaring; in addition to optimizing the foam control procedure during organic and conventional maple syrup production. The results of our research are included in the two below reports.

Foaming control optimization in evaporator pans in maple sugar production - PART 1

Foaming control optimization in evaporator pans in maple sugar production - PART 2


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