Articles scientifiques

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10 mars 2015

Biochemical composition of maple sap and relationships among constituents

Auteurs : Luc Lagacé, Simon Leclerc, Carmen Charron et Mustapha Sadiki

Cet article est disponible seulement en anglais (Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Volume 41, August 2015, Pages 129–136).
Le numéro de référence (Digital Object Identifier (DOI)) est le : 10.1016/j.jfca.2014.12.030.

Maple sap is a product of great economic value with a variable composition. Samples of maple sap were collected at different periods of the 2007 and 2008 seasons in various locations in Quebec (Canada). The aim of the study was to establish a typical chemical composition of maple sap by analyzing a large number of maple sap samples. Multiple factor analysis was also performed to help establish relationships among compounds. Results confirm that total soluble solids and sucrose concentration were higher near mid-season. The concentration of specific organic acids in sap could depend on the sugarbush (malic acid) or could be influenced by microbial activity (acetic and lactic acid). Phenolic compounds of interest were present mainly at the beginning of the season and decreased as the season progressed. The concentrations of the main minerals (K, Ca and Mg) increased over the sap flow season and the presence of calcium and magnesium seemed highly correlated. These results will help in establishing an update of mean values and ranges for many components of maple sap. 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (439 - 4010028)


01 octobre 2013

Sulfite Concentration in Pure Maple Syrup

Auteurs : Mustapha Sadiki, Luc Lagacé et Timothy D. Perkins

Cet article est disponible seulement en anglais.  Il a paru dans le Maple Syrup Digest (Vol. 25A, No. 3, Octobre 2013, p. 12-14). (829-5080049)

03 juillet 2013

Solid-Phase Extraction and Procedure for Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Maple Syrup

Auteurs : Mustapha Sadiki et Nathalie Martin

Cet article est disponible seulement en anglais (Food Analytical Methods, June 2013, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 737-744).
Le numéro de référence (Digital Object Identifier (DOI)) est le : 10.1007/s12161-012-9474-7. (332)

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